As a cyber school, PALCS understands that there are many questions families have when thinking about enrolling their children and if it’s the right fit for them. This is totally normal; switching schools is a big step and it can be intimidating.

This is why we offer a compatibility quiz on our website. You are able to choose your role; both parents and students can answer a group of questions to see if cyber school could be a good fit for your family.

You won’t receive a grade on this quiz and there are no specific right or wrong answers! The questions are designed to get you thinking about your family and some of the important ways cyber school might be different from your current method of schooling or daily routine. After responding to the questions, there will be general tips and explanations to help you discover an area you want to work on, or you might find you’re already a great fit for cyber school and PALCS!

Our first day of the 2017-2018 school year is on Tuesday, September 5, 2017, and for any students not yet enrolled, there is still time! Take the compatibility quiz today and see why PALCS may be the right fit for you! Don’t let another school year full of stress and discouragement go by without making a change. We are here to offer students a flexible, quality education and one of a kind curriculum taught by highly qualified, state certified teachers. Join us for the 2017-2018 school year and discover how PALCS Makes it Possible!