Socialization in Cyber School

By |2024-07-24T02:16:00-04:00December 14th, 2018|Categories: School News, Latest News|Tags: , , , |

The number one concern most families have when making the switch from a brick-and-mortar school to a cyber-school is socialization. When will my children get the socialization skills they need? Are there any socialization opportunities? Will my child meet new friends? These are all questions we hear fairly often.

Ms. Kofeldt Featured on WPHL17

By |2024-07-24T02:42:17-04:00February 2nd, 2018|Categories: Latest News, PALCS in the News, Staff Spotlight|Tags: , |

Ms. Courtney Kofeldt, PA Leadership’s Supervisor of Educational Technology, was recently featured on Philadelphia 17’s weekly TV segment “Weekend Philler,” where she spoke about gamification and how to make video and online games educational for the students. The Weekend Phillier is a Saturday evening video clip show on WPHL17 that covers shorts about people, places & things around the Delaware Valley.

5 Ways to Start the School Year Off Right!

By |2024-07-22T07:01:26-04:00September 1st, 2017|Categories: Blog Article, School News, Latest News|Tags: , |

We are now in the single digit countdown to the first day of school here at PALCS and we are so excited to welcome new and returning students to the 2017-2018 school year! If you are nervous about the first day of school or will miss the lazy days of summer, we have 5 ways to help make this school year the most successful yet!

Is Cyber School Right For You?

By |2024-07-24T02:44:44-04:00August 14th, 2017|Categories: School News, Latest News|Tags: , |

As a cyber school, PALCS understands that there are many questions families have when thinking about enrolling their children and if it’s the right fit for them. This is totally normal; switching schools is a big step and it can be intimidating. This is why we offer a compatibility quiz tool on our website. You are able to choose your role; both parents and students can answer a group of questions to see if cyber school could be a good fit for your family.

Spring Break

By |2024-07-18T02:20:58-04:00April 10th, 2017|Categories: School News, Latest News|Tags: , |

Spring break is here! PALCS spring break takes place from Monday, April 10th - Monday, April 17th. Whether you are traveling, catching up on your favorite TV show or making sure get as much sleep as you can, remember the 3 important R’s: relax, rejuvenate and reflect on the school year thus far.

Summer Safety Tips

By |2024-07-24T01:44:45-04:00July 5th, 2016|Categories: Blog Article, Latest News|Tags: , |

The sun is shining and summer has officially arrived, so where do the kids want to be? The playground, of course! However, with the hot sun shining down in the summer months, there are a few safety concerns parents have to be aware of before loading up the kids and hitting the swings. Perhaps you often visit the neighborhood park or maybe it’s the swing set in the back yard; either way, you must make sure your children are safe. There are a few precautions and tips to consider when spending the day on the playground.

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Phone: 1-877-725-2785 / 610-701-3333

Fax: 610-701-3339

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