PALCS Takes on The Farm Show!

On January 10th, about 170 of PA Leadership Charter School students, families, and staff traveled to Harrisburg for a field trip to the Pennsylvania Farm Show.

For those who have never been, the PA Farm Show is the largest indoor agricultural exposition under one roof in the nation, with nearly 6,000 animals, 10,000 competitive exhibits and 300 commercial exhibits every year.

This particular event showcases the quality and extent of Pennsylvania’s agriculture industry and the people who make it thrive. PALCS is lucky enough to have several students who not only help contribute to this industry, but also participated in the Farm Show.

This year, PALCS 6th grader, Tyler Karner, showed his market and breeding goat, placing in second for his showmanship. Both Tyler, and our 8th grade student, Colton Teets, who showed his hog, participated in the square dancing at the Farm Show on Monday night.

Tyler grew up on a small farm in Western PA with his three older siblings. As a family, they raise cows, chickens and goats. The Karner’s have had goats for about 3 years, and now have about 24! “Crystal and Amos are my favorites”, Tyler adds. It is his second year showing at the Farm Show, however he has competed in other smaller county fairs in the past.

With his mom being a veterinarian, Tyler grew up with a passion for helping animals. Tyler says that he would eventually like to help with rescuing parrots. When he is not completing his school work, or taking care of his animals, Tyler enjoys swimming, and dreams of one day opening his own skate park.

Before attending PALCS, “Tyler was not working to his full potential, and I needed more access to his school work”, his mom, Barbara, admits. “This is our first year at PALCS,” and so far our experience has been amazing! From our first orientation (which I was actually crying tears of relief), we have felt very supported by everyone”, Barbara continued. He “feels much better about himself. He went from a C/D student, to now getting straight A’s. We are all much less stressed.” Barbara’s advice to anyone considering making the switch to PALCS is to “just do it! Make a schedule, stick to it, go to class, and ask for help if needed!”

We also had our 10th and 7th grade students, Grace and Emmalee Heckendorn participate in the event. Grace and Emily had an area set up at the Farm Show on Thursday, January 10th and Saturday, January 12th where they were showcasing their breeding goats.

Everyone we spoke to who attended the PA Farm Show’s trip with us, had a wonderful and exciting time. Aside from delicious food and entertainment, the annual event offers an opportunity to get an up-close view of how our food goes from farm to fork, and learn about the diversity of Pennsylvania agriculture and the ingenuity of its people.

We would like to thank all families who came out to enjoy the 103rd Annual Farm Show with us this year, and congratulations to our students who participated in the show this year! We wish you the very best and keep up all the hard work!