Happy National School Choice Week!

We want to wish you happy National School Choice Week! This week will take place from January 27th through January 31st. Since 2011, PALCS & other K-12 options (such as traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online academies, & homeschooling) have partnered with National School Choice Week to “shine a spotlight on effective education options for children.” People from all over join together at these events in support of students and families having a choice when it comes to their education. This important week includes thousands of events across the country that highlight the demand for successful education options for students.

Get Involved

In order to help reach this goal & raise awareness, we invite all of you to get involved. There are already 2,915 activities, meetings and events scheduled throughout Pennsylvania. To find events in your area click here and search for an event by address or zip code. This week also allows organizations, schools & individuals the chance to demonstrate the need for more choices & better opportunities for children.

Also, don’t forget about the NSCW annual dance-a-long! For the past 7 years, NSCW has choreographed dance routines to go along with the official song chosen for each year’s festivities. They then upload a tutorial on their website & encourage students, schools, & organizations to learn the dance moves! Participates can upload their own videos to YouTube using #schoolchoice in support of school choice week. This year’s official song is “Best Day” by Loomin. You can learn the official dance here!

More Information

For more information on National School Choice Week and how to get involved, please visit schoolchoiceweek.com. Another way to raise awareness is to participate in our PALCS Spirit Week activities! Visit our Facebook page or our Instagram page and post a photo of you participating in our PALCS Spirit Week with the hashtag #PALCSspirit and #schoolchoice. Provide short caption on why YOU chose PALCS! Whether you are a student, parent, or a teacher, you made the choice to join this extraordinary community & we would love to know why. All participants will be entered in our random drawing to win a NSCW scarf and Be MARVELous with PALCS magnet.

Explore Your Options

Remember, when it comes to your child’s education, you do have a CHOICE. All students are different — what worked for one child may not work for another, so be sure to explore all of your options. Choose what works best for your individual child and your family! If you feel PALCS is the right choice for you & your family, contact us today or visit us during an Open House!