PALCS is so proud to announce that our 2017-2018 school year is off to a wonderful start, thanks to our incredible students, families and staff. 1,304 students of a total of 2,745 at press time have earned honor roll certificates at PALCS recognizing their hard work and exceptional grades in the first marking period. The percentage works out to 48%, or nearly half of the entire student body!

Here at PALCS, the honor roll is separated into 3 groups: Distinguished, for students who received all A’s; Honors, for students who received all A’s and B’s; and Merit, for students who have received all A’s, B’s, and no more than one C.

Between elementary, middle and high school, there was a total of 512 students who earned a Distinguished Certificate, 599 students who earned an Honors Certificate and 193 students who earned a Merit Certificate.

The complete list of all students who have made honor roll is available to currently enrolled students and parents on the PALCSchool homepage. Certificates are being sent out this week.

On behalf of us all here at PALCS, we would like to congratulate all of our students who have earned a certificate in the first marking period. We are so proud and honored to have such wonderful students! Keep up the hard work, and if you didn’t make honor roll in the first marking period, remember it is not too late to make this year the best one yet! We believe in each and everyone one of you and there is room for everyone on the honor roll!